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I Am Series - I Am He



I Am He - The Christ (John 4)

The Encounter at the Well (John 4:1-26):

  • Cultural Context: 

    • What is your understanding of how Jews and Samaritans interacted?

    • What could the woman's presence at the well at midday suggest about her social standing?

  • "Living Water": 

    • What does Jesus mean by "living water"? How does this metaphor apply to our lives today?

    • How does Jesus move the conversation from physical thirst to spiritual thirst?

  • Revelation of Sin: 

    • How does the woman's reaction to Jesus's knowledge of her life indicate a shift in her perception of him?

  • True Worship: 

    • What does Jesus say true worship will be now and in the future? How do you understand His description?

    • How does this concept challenge our traditional ideas about where and how to worship?

  • Jesus as Messiah: 

    • How does Jesus reveal himself as the Messiah to the Samaritan woman? What is the significance of this?

Application Questions:

  1. What barriers do you need to overcome to share your faith with others?

  2. How can you apply the principles of true worship in your daily life?

  3. Who are the "Samaritans" in our modern society, and how should we interact with them?

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